The Products Every New Homeowner Needs From Trader Joes

Posted on: August 18, 2022

You signed your name about 200 times and got the keys to your new house! Now you’re ready for a weekend of cleaning, unpacking, and decorating your new space! It’s going to be a busy few weeks getting settled so I rounded up some of my favorite go-to products for new homeowners and they’re all from Trader Joe's! Print this out or grab a pen and paper so you can make a grocery list and have these items ready to go in a cooler before heading to your new home!
  • Peony Blossom Candle - The best way to make a new house feel like your own is by incorporating your own scent! This candle is super affordable and smells refreshing, so you’ll want to stock up!

  • Everything But The Bagel Seasoning - It might be a few weeks before you’re unpacked and cooking yummy dinners but this seasoning pretty much goes with anything! Toast a piece of sourdough bread, top it with avocado, and this seasoning for an easy breakfast! It’s also great on eggs, cucumber slices with hummus, plain bagels with cream cheese and so much more!

  • Italian Chicken Sausage - The perfect item for an easy or emergency dinner! They have spicy, sweet, garlic, and lots more! Slice them up and pair them with pasta and a veggie for a dinner that takes less than 10 minutes to prep!

  • Cauliflower Gnocchi - Your life will be forever changed! All you have to do is search Pinterest for “Trader Joes Cauliflower Gnocchi” and tons of easy meal ideas will pop up. They are in the frozen section and can always be used for an easy last-minute dinner while you’re busy painting and unpacking!

  • ABC Bars - Do you like chocolate? Do you like almond butter? If you answered yes, then these are sure to be a hit! These are great to have on hand for a quick snack on moving day or even while you’re running out the door on another trip to Home Depot! (Trust me, this will be a frequent destination for a while as a new homeowner!).

  • Almond Sparkling Wine - You’re not officially a homeowner until you pop a bottle of bubbly in your new place! This champagne is under $10 and tastes like dessert! I promise you’ll like it even if you don’t like champagne.

  • Trader Joes Seltzer Water - There’s nothing more refreshing than sparkling water with real, fresh-squeezed fruit, and Trader Joe's has the best flavors! Don’t forget the #SpinDriftHack - Turn sparkling water into happy hour by using it to make cocktails for the moving crew! Favorite Flavor: Blood Orange with Orange Juice!

  • Cauliflower Pizza Crust - If cauliflower can become pizza, then my friend, can become a homeowner! This pizza crust tastes just like the real thing but you’re eating veggies instead of dough! Stock your freezer with these and then grab some shredded cheese and your favorite pizza toppings for a “healthified” moving day pizza party! There you have it! My favorite Trader Joe's items that will help you get through moving day, unpacking, and making your new house your home! Have you tried any of these products? What are your favorites?!


Work With Kristina

I treat my clients like family and don't want the relationship to end after the transaction is over. Besides handing over the keys, my favorite part is hearing what they have done with the house and what life experiences have happened since the move.

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